Rake tasks
Several administrative rake tasks exist which can be executed from app working directory of a running container.
All described commands should be executed from /home/dependabot/app
Register single project
Manually register project for updates. Repository must have valid dependabot config file.
bundle exec rake 'dependabot:register_project[project_name]'
- project full path or multiple space separated project full paths, example: dependabot-gitlab/dependabot
Register multiple projects
Manually register multiple projects. Repository must have valid dependabot config files.
bundle exec rake 'dependabot:register[projects]'
- list of projects full paths separated by space, example: group/project_1 group/project_2
Register with specific access token
Manually register project for updates with specific gitlab access token
bundle exec rake 'dependabot:register_project[project_name,access_token]'
- project full path, example:dependabot-gitlab/dependabot
- project access token, example: project access token
Bulk register
Manually trigger project registration job
bundle exec rake 'dependabot:automatic_registration'
Manually remove project.
bundle exec rake 'dependabot:remove[project]'
- project full path, example: dependabot-gitlab/dependabot
Trigger dependency update for specific project and package ecosystem. This task must be executed in appropriate ecosystem docker image for updates to work correctly.
bundle exec rake 'dependabot:update[project,package_ecosystem,directory]'
- project full path, example:dependabot-gitlab/dependabot
parameter likebundler
- directory is path where dependency files are stored, usually/
This task is used to provide standalone use capability and used internally by updater containers in deployed mode and should not be used directly in most cases.
Update vulnerability database
Trigger update of local vulnerability database which is used for security updates
bundle exec rake 'dependabot:update_vulnerability_db'
Validate configuration
Validate dependabot.yml
configuration file for a project
bundle exec rake 'dependabot:validate[project]'
- project full path, example: dependabot-gitlab/dependabot
Create user
Create a user to access projects page
bundle exec rake 'dependabot:create_user[username,password]'
Delete user
Remove existing user
bundle exec rake 'dependabot:delete_user[username]'